Friday, May 23, 2014

  1. Friday's Facts 5/23/14

I am keeping this week’s information short and sweet… because, let's face it – most people are focusing on the following right now:
-School ending
-Memorial Day Weekend plans

Here’s what you are NOT focused on, but should try to keep in check while life’s activities are starting to pile up…

Steps to help you reach your goals:

-Eat better…..not less. Replace those crappy snacks (usually carb loaded and/or greasy) with snacks and meals that have fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds.  Eat every 3-4 hours, and 5-6x per day so you stay feeling fuller longer and avoid the binges at meal time.

-Move more….any form of movement is better than no movement at all!  Get off the couch and outside. Its finally nice weather out! Go for a walk with the kids, dog, mother, spouse…or take 20-30 minutes for yourself and just listen to the birds or your fave playlist and get outside and move. Walk after meals, or park far away from the store or office so you get in a few extra steps. Just be more active, even when you think you don’t have time.

-Keep Focus…. Forget the pictures of the skinny models and people you yearn to look like, but don’t think you can. The goal is to be the best version of YOU, not a replica of someone else. Discover confidence, and some will-power, and quit trying to be someone you are not. You are who you are. If you are unhappy with what you feel or look like, focus on changing what you CAN change, and stop worrying about what you cannot.

-Drink more water….This cannot be stressed enough. When you are feeling: bloated, fat, guilty, anxious, parched, hungover, or whatever the case may be….slow down, and drink a glass of water!  More often than not, if you are having hunger pains, you are really just dehydrated. So take 2 minutes, and drink some water.

I know, I know….. It all looks good on paper, right? But seriously – as cliché as it is, try thinking WWDD – “What would Devon Do?”.   I am here to help motivate you, keep you accountable and teach you the ways of a healthier lifestyle. 

The above 4 steps are just that – baby steps – to help you reach your goals. Motivation comes from two things – Inspiration and desperation (Coach Dale Brown taught me that). So before you become desperate, find what motivates you, and remember that these next few weeks while life is busy getting in the way.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Like many people, I try to avoid technology while on vacation, which is why I did not send out a newsletter last week, but I did write my thoughts down so I could send out upon my return. Let's just say - lessons learned from the All-Inclusive resort. I've never been to one before, so I didn't know just how easy it was to over-indulge....Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

As I sit here at the Hard Rock Hotel, Punta Cana Dominican Republic, I start to look around at all the people... and all the food... and booze. I mean - WOW. This place is Amazing. And, since it's an all-inclusive, I can eat and drink myself into an oblivion. Hey, I'm on vacation, right? Well, kinda.

Let me ask you this -  do YOU allow yourself a "cheat week" while on vacation?  I mean, you earned it right? You worked hard to GET to that vacation and you don't want to have to worry about calorie counting or eating "good"... you watch what you eat all week long and get your workouts in before your vacay, so why NOT allow yourself some freedom? Well, the real question is - how much more do you have to go to hit your goal? (replace:  how close are you to your goal? )

Here's a fact - Fat sticks to fat. Many people go on vacation and come back anywhere between 5-10 lbs heavier than they before they left  - especially at an all-inclusive or on a cruise. But if you still have some weight to lose and a goal to hit, it's harder to get back on track after a vacation. The more body fat you have, and the more you splurge on vacation, the harder it is to re-lose when you get home. But who wouldn't want to just eat and drink all day when its "Free"?  The food is always amazing, it's never ending, and there's a bar every 100 feet. It's easy to cave into the crave. And why shouldn't you - you're on vacation right?

Well if you still have more weight to lose, or more muscle to gain to hit your goal, whatever that goal may be, then you really should try to discipline yourself (remember discipline from a few weeks back) to control the splurging on the food.

Here's a few tips while you're on vacation to avoid the Beach Bulge:

1) Only go through the buffet line once - Seriously, you don't need a pound of bacon and sausage, a 4-egg omelette with half a pound of cheese for round one; a short stack of pancakes with syrup, bowl of fruit for round two; followed up with 3 different desert squares, only to be washed down with 2 Bloody Mary's and a Mimosa. You just don't need that much food for breakfast (that's the meal I saw one guy have this morning!)   Also, grab some healthier options such as the local fresh fruit that you can't get at home. 

2) Stay away from the sugary/fruity drinks all the time (or Lay low on the sugary/fruity drinks) - The Blue-Drink special of the day is good, have one, but not 12. I'll never be one to tell you to stay away from alcohol, because those who know me know I love my wine and bourbon. But the added sugar isn't needed. Sugary drinks can pack on an extra 200-400 calories PER DRINK! Plus, all that sugar can give you a heck of a hangover.

3) Drink plenty of water - Water will help you feel fuller longer, so you can avoid the buffet line two hours after your first meal, plus when in a tropical setting and its hot you will need more water than normal.

4) Bring healthier snacks with you - If in doubt of what your resort/hotel will have available, bring some healthier snacks with you; I always have my Vi-Shape shake mix and Nutra-Cookies or protein bars with me. That way if the only options available is fried chicken and french fries at the bar, and you already feel like you've gorged yourself, you have a healthier option for at least one meal/snack.

5) Go Walking in the AM. Get up and get the blood pumping. You can sweat out last night's booze fest and get in some good activity.  There is no need to avoid exercise while on vacation. What's better than a walk or run on the beach? It's a great way to sight-see, and you get in a calorie burn so you CAN eat and drink a little more than normal without the guilt.

Look, vacation IS all about relaxation or family time, and yes, enjoying yourself via food and booze. But really, You STILL want to look good naked, right?? There's no reason to stop your workout routine or eat a bit healthier while on vacay. Remember, this is a lifestyle, not a "diet", so why would vacation be any different than when you are at home?

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday Thoughts – What time of the day do you work out?  

Everyone is always wondering when is the "best" time to work out? What time of the day will maximize the results of my efforts?   Some people are morning people, some people are night owls.  But really, when should you hit the gym or pavement for a run?

For me, its early AM. I’m the kind of person that if I don’t get in my workout, get it done and out of the way before my day begins I SIMPLY DON’T DO IT.  Sound familiar?

I dread a workout after a full day of work. I train people all day….. I work long hours training up to 8 clients a day starting at 5am, running two businesses (calls, emails, marketing, social networking, etc), fitting in my own "friends and family" time, running a household…and of course eating and sleeping. So after my day is done, the last thing I want to do is go to the gym and kick my own ass.

Therefore, I personally get up early in the AM and get my workout in - or do it right after my last morning client (around 9:3). And in all honesty, working out in the AM fuels me for the day. I feel energized. I feel successful and accomplished already. I know that even if my day turns into a complete mess and is stressful, at least I did one good thing – I got to the gym.

BUT, “scientifically”, is the AM the best time? The truth is, there really is no reliable evidence to say the AM is better than the PM. Some people who are in full “training” mode, IE for a Body Building Competition, will split workouts and do a “Fasting” cardio in the AM and weights in the afternoon. But lets be real, the average person is not training to be like the guy who can “lift things up and put them down”. We want to be healthy, fit, and sexy naked (there’s that naked thing again!).

Bottom line is, whether you are a night owl, or an early bird, choose a time you know you can get a good workout in on a consistent basis, and make it a habit.  Put it in your calendar, write it down and discipline yourself to go at the same time....every day. Plan your life around your 1-hour dedicated time to yourself to do what you need to do to feel all those things above….especially the feeling sexy naked part!

Happy Thirsty Thursday! Enjoy the weekend.