Thursday, January 9, 2014

Why I Fired My Boss....

Hello Family and Friends!

I did it... I really did it! I fired my boss. For those of you who don't know, I have worked for my father's company for the past 3 1/2 years, at SonicSolutions ~ Algae Control without Chemicals.

As much as I loved being able to work with my dad and help him grow the business, I felt my passions evolving elsewhere and in another industry.

So why did fire my dad? Simple.... I finally figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up! For the past 2 1/2 years, I have also promoted a weight loss challenge called The Body By Vi Challenge. After years (most of my life) struggling with my weight and body image issues, I joined The Challenge, and transformed my body....and my life!

In my first 90-day Challenge, I lost 15 pounds and 5% body fat. I KNEW this was the program for me....and I was done with all other "diets" out there!

As a promoter of The Challenge, I have personally helped hundreds of customers around the country lose weight, get in shape and start their own business promoting the Challenge.

I also reached the rank of Regional Director, have my BMW paid for by ViSalus, paid off my student loans and make a great side income.

So fast forward to April of 2013.... even though I enjoyed the travel and sales aspect of working with SonicSolutions, I knew I no longer wanted to do that full time. My passion for The Challenge led me give Dad 7-months notice (nice, right?!) and, with his blessing, I set off to pursue my dream of owning my own business once again, but this time I'm killing FAT for a living, and not algae!

In the last 7 months, I have:

Trained for and completed my first 1/2 marathon in September

Finished two Obstacle Course Races - Spartan Sprint Tuxedo, NY and Down & Dirty Mud Run in Hartford, CT

Entered to win...and WON the most coveted prize on The Body By Vi Challenge - Body BY Vi Champion! Myself and my teammates beat out 3,000 other people in a 4-month time frame to become crowned Body By Vi Team Champs in November 2013. We will go on an all-expenses paid vacation to Hollywood in February, receive a $5000 shopping spree, $25000 marketing package, celebrity cooking and celebrity training...but most importantly...Bragging rights!! We are The CHAMPS!

Completed a 4-month program at Crossfit, which, along with The Body By Vi program, dropped ANOTHER 5 pounds, built 5 pounds of lean muscle and dropped another 5% body fat!

Finished my NASM Personal Training Certification

Formed a new LLC - Two Reds LLC (for me and mom of course since she agreed to be my assistant), and started my own personal training studio called "My Transformation Training"

So there you have it! I am an entrepreneur once again. My passion for health and fitness, for helping others achieve the same kind of results that I've been able to accomplish, and the ability to grow a business around that passion has finally become a reality!

For more information on My Transformation Training, The Body By VI Challenge, and to keep up to date on what I'm doing, be sure to check out my web site at or like my page on Facebook - Devon's Body BY Vi & My Transformation Training!

I am so excited to start this brand new venture! Thanks to everyone for your love and support over the years and in the future.

Have a Happy and Healthy 2014!

~Devon Taylor

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