Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday Workout Advice: Is 20 Minutes Enough?

Well, it happened again…

The day has gotten away from you and you didn’t get your workout in first thing in the AM. So now you have 20 minutes to get in a quick workout and you ask yourself – why even bother; is that enough?

Well yes and even a 20 minute workout is better than nothing at all!

Here are some tips to maximize your 20 minutes:

·       Choose full body exercises: don’t isolate just one body part. Choose an exercise that incorporates lower and upper body, as well as core. You can also perform targeted body parts if you workout in a circuit format (see next step).

·       Perform multiple exercises in a circuit fashion: Choose three exercises to perform and then repeat those three in a circuit for three rounds. Once those three are complete, move on to three new exercises.

Circuit  1                                                       Circuit 2
15 Air Squats                                              15 Burpees
15 Thrusters                                                15 Reverse Flys
15 Push-ups                                                15 Dips
Repeat 3 times                                            Repeat 3 times

·       Give 110% max effort: you have limited time, so make the most of it! Go all out – its only 20 minutes. You should be able to work up a great sweat (or “glisten” for the ladies) in this amount of time. Keep your rests short (30 seconds to 1 min max).

This is a great HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout session – and if you go all out, you can burn a few hundred calories in a short period of time. So is it worth it? Heck yeah! 

Not all is lost when you only have 20 minutes so don’t skip your workout. You will feel more energized and accomplished if you make sure to get in the workout even if you’re tired or drained. 

I've included a bonus 20 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible) workout for you below, so no excuses; get it done!

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