Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Holidays Are Over...Now What?

WOW, another 6 weeks of winter according to Punxsutawney Phil! Well it’s February 4th, holidays have long gone, and Super Bowl parties are over. What’s next?  Well, Valentine’s Day is coming up in ten days; but that’s just one day and maybe a dinner out. Other than that – NO MORE HOLIDAYS!

Now it’s time to get serious. January resolutions have come…and gone. Who has stuck with their goals, be honest. I know I haven’t! I let January slip right past without blinking an eye and it shows on the scale. THEN, I had the bright idea to start my new 90-day challenge on February 1st with my boyfriend. We were both overly committed but, um dumb idea because Super Bowl Sunday was Feb 1st; DUH!  I partied hard because my beloved Patriots were in the big game (AND WON!!!!!!!!!)  So the beer, buffalo chicken macaroni & cheese casserole and endless Tostitos and salsa blew that goal right out the window. THEN, Monday we had the snow storm so what did I do? I sat inside all day and ate all the left overs. I had to get it all out of the house! 

So here we are at February 4th and I’m ready to begin, because let’s face it – Memorial Day weekend is just 14 weeks away! Now, how do we get started again?

First, forgive yourself if you’ve already blown your resolutions. It’s okay, the main thing is to get restarted! Don’t feel guilty and don’t give up. If you tell yourself “well it’s just like last year, I can’t stick to anything, blah blah blah…” then you won’t, so stop the guilt and move on.


Choose your goal – keep it simple, keep it short. What’s your goal for Feb 28th? That’s 24 days, a little over 3 weeks so set a realistic goal; for example lose six pounds or run an extra mile on the treadmill.

Make a plan. Write it down. See it every day. Put it up on your mirror in the bathroom, in your car, at the office on your memo board. See it everywhere!

Plan out your meals. YES do some meal prep. (Need help with that? Check out the blog post from 12/12/14!)

Put your workouts on your schedule! Plan for it. You plan everything else right? So make an appointment for yourself in your calendar at least 3-4 times per week, even if it’s just 30 minutes a day! Get up 30 minutes earlier. Go for a walk during lunch. Do something!

Don’t skip a day. Every day is a day towards your goal. You cannot “be good” Monday through Friday and then party like a rock star on the weekends. Remember, two cheat meals a week. Period.

Don’t give up; it’s worth it in the end.

So, what is your goal for this month? Feel free to email it to me! Declare it! Make it real and I can help keep you accountable for the next 24 days and beyond! My email is

Bottom line: hang in there. The resolution was not a waste; you just have to get back on track. So go ahead press the reset button and start today!

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