Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday's Mindset: It's rarely about the weight.....

It's rarely about the weight......

Most of my clients come to me with two goals - the goal they THINK they want - ie, a certain weight to get to a certain number of pounds to lose......and the REAL GOAL.   In a society that is so weight driven with 6'2" models who weigh only 120 lbs all  over the magazines, and weight loss ads everywhere guaranteeing we can lose 10 pounds in 10 days if we go on this cleanse, why WOULDN'T we worry about the number on the scale.

But really, is it about the weight?

HECK NO!   Here's the REAL prepared... I've said it before... YOU WANT TO LOOK AND FEEL GOOD NAKED!!  

Look, the majority of my clients are women but I do train and coach some men as well. And guess what? You both have your insecurities to deal with. You both have a tummy you want to hide, or bulging arms that "flap in the wind". You both have a hard time taking your clothes off in front of your wife/husband/partner/lover etc if you don't feel 100% sexy. Women have a bit more anxiety about it and will definitely hold off on getting naked longer than men (lets be real - men want to get naked and have sex at any chance they get). Women will give up the horizontal-mamba so they don't have to get naked.

And WHY? Because they don't feel SEXY or "fit". Let's define the word "fit". According to, "Fit" means:
"in good physical condition; in good health".  No where in that definition does "fit" equate to: Skinny, size 0, 110 lbs.

We ASSIGN the meaning that "I'm fat" equals "I'm not sexy" and therefore I need to lose weight. BUT if you could feel sexy in the body you have.... would you still need to lose weight?

There is definitely a healthy weight you should strive for, so if you are feeling UNHEALTHY, then we should talk about getting to a healthy weight, but really, lets discuss the REAL GOAL - feeling sexy....feeling confident....feeling fit.

So I've said it before, and I cannot stress it enough.... STOP focusing on the damn scale! And figure out what will help you feel SEXY! And then... get Naked!

Your transformation begins with six inches.... the six inches between your ears. 

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