Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday's Wisdom - Attitude is everything!

Attitude is everything!

You've all heard this before: "attitude is everything", yet somehow most of us forget why this simple three word sentence is so very important. But it is - how you look at things and how you act, or react is so very important.

Today I'm being raw and real, so I'm going to make this a short one....

Look, here I am being raw and real. We are all human. We all have our ups and downs. Many of you who know me from my past know I've struggled with my weight. I've yo-yo dieted all of my life until I found The Challenge. For three years I've kept off the weight and have been very active, healthy and fit.

Well, guess what: owning two businesses, traveling a bunch, and some personal issues and injuries have led me to fall off the wagon. I've recently gained back about 8 lbs., mostly fat, and lost a bunch of muscle. I weigh the most today than I have in three years.

Now I have two choices I can make:  I can basically say "screw it", I'll wait until after the holidays to start my "diet"... OR I can change my own attitude and just own it, put it out there and start again.

My recent less-than-appealing attitude has not only affected my weight, but my workouts, my relationships, my business and my family. So how do I change it? How do I change my own attitude?  I need to revaluate my "WHY".  WHY do I do what I do? For what? For Whom?

I have spent the last few days self-reflecting and I've found my WHY again. It's different than when I first started this journey, but its solid and real. 

So, how do YOU make a change? How do YOU change your attitude and the six inches between your ears?  Remember WHY you started. Or find a WHY to begin - maybe setting a good example for your young kids, or to lose weight and get off medications, or to run a charity road race in honor or memory of someone? Whatever it is, if you find yourself struggling, find your WHY, cherish it and use it to fuel your positive attitude towards whatever it is you want to do!

Have a fabulous Wednesday everyone!!


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