Monday, February 16, 2015

Are the Weekends Constantly Derailing your Diet?

How did you do this past Valentine's Day weekend? Did the holiday, as well as the cold and snow cause you to throw your diet plans out the window?

Here is info from a great email I received from AllisonMoyer Fitness, whom I follow on a daily basis. In it she shares her 7 tips for staying on track during the weekend:

All too often I hear "I did great during the week, but I blew my diet on the weekend." It's time to break that on-again, off-again diet mentality. If you have a history of yo-yo dieting, make sure that you're not alternating between being "good" and "bad" throughout the course of a week. Much of this comes simply from changing how you view the weekend. Instead of seeing it as a time to "rebel" and "cheat", view it as time for YOU. Instead of rewarding yourself with food, reward yourself with some downtime, rest, or relaxation. Remember that healthy body composition is about sustainable lifestyle changes, not just a diet plan you adhere to Monday through Friday. Results stem from consistency and creating a healthy relationship with food. TRUST ME- there is nothing healthy about overindulging during the weekend and spending the week trying to atone for it. Instead- begin to focus on making good choices every.. INCLUDING SATURDAY AND SUNDAY.

1) Revisit your goals during the weekend by planning for the week ahead. With extra time on your hands, why not take a Sunday afternoon or evening to maybe plan out your meals, hit the grocery store, and do some food prep for the week ahead? That way, when your busy week gets even busier, you'll already have a leg up. Think about some personal goals you want to achieve for the week- write them down on post its and place them where you can see them. For example "eat all meals" or "stop snacking."

2) Plan for relaxation- it's the BEST reward for a hard week. Most people want to reward themselves with junk food or late nights out or drinks, but this is only going to be counterproductive to your goals. Most of us are busy during the week and even our weekends can become non-stop errands, chores, work and travel if we aren't careful. So schedule some downtime for at least an hour or two. Whether it's simply sitting and scrolling the TV channels, reading, seeing a movie with friends or even just sitting and reflecting quietly, do something every weekend that recharges you. You'll not only feel better, but also beat stress which helps with body composition goals.

3) Stick to your usual sleep schedule as best you can. Are you someone who has a firm bedtime during the week only to stay up late and sleep in on the weekends? Changing your sleep patterns could throw off your schedule (hard to eat breakfast when you get up at noon!) and also interferes with weight loss. Changing your sleep schedule can also make it harder to fall asleep on Sunday night which could set you up for a tired Monday morning and a bad start to the week.

4) Get a workout in.The best part of the weekend is that you have more free time. Even if you don't do your usual training- do something. I personally like to take hot yoga on my weekends and go for long runs. You could go for a walk, try a new class, or meet up with some friends for a training date. Use the weekend as a time to refresh your workout and get more activity in without feeling rushed. Training on the weekends also helps keep you focused on your goals- often times if we take both Saturday and Sunday off we tend to lose sight of our fitness pursuits.

5) Eat like it's a weekday. When you think about it, it makes NO sense to eat differently on the weekend than you do during the week-especially if your food choices during the week keep you fueled and energized. It becomes all too easy to just "forget" to eat on the weekend or skip meals and then just "make up" for it later by over indulging. Make it a point to stick to a schedule, one that mimics your Monday-Friday schedule as much as possible. Be sure that if you're on the go or have things to do that you pack healthy meal options or snacks.

6) Schedule your check in with your coach, or your weekly weigh in for Monday morning. This can be one REALLY effective way of keeping you on track- knowing that you have to step on the scale, take progress pictures, or report to your coach!

7) Don't allow one slip up on the weekend to turn into two days of downward spiraling. If by chance you do make a bad choice on the weekend, or slip up, get control of the situation right away. Make a better choice IMMEDIATELY at your next meal and get yourself back on track. Don't allow one "whoops" to become two full days of erratic over-eating.

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