Friday, May 23, 2014

  1. Friday's Facts 5/23/14

I am keeping this week’s information short and sweet… because, let's face it – most people are focusing on the following right now:
-School ending
-Memorial Day Weekend plans

Here’s what you are NOT focused on, but should try to keep in check while life’s activities are starting to pile up…

Steps to help you reach your goals:

-Eat better…..not less. Replace those crappy snacks (usually carb loaded and/or greasy) with snacks and meals that have fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds.  Eat every 3-4 hours, and 5-6x per day so you stay feeling fuller longer and avoid the binges at meal time.

-Move more….any form of movement is better than no movement at all!  Get off the couch and outside. Its finally nice weather out! Go for a walk with the kids, dog, mother, spouse…or take 20-30 minutes for yourself and just listen to the birds or your fave playlist and get outside and move. Walk after meals, or park far away from the store or office so you get in a few extra steps. Just be more active, even when you think you don’t have time.

-Keep Focus…. Forget the pictures of the skinny models and people you yearn to look like, but don’t think you can. The goal is to be the best version of YOU, not a replica of someone else. Discover confidence, and some will-power, and quit trying to be someone you are not. You are who you are. If you are unhappy with what you feel or look like, focus on changing what you CAN change, and stop worrying about what you cannot.

-Drink more water….This cannot be stressed enough. When you are feeling: bloated, fat, guilty, anxious, parched, hungover, or whatever the case may be….slow down, and drink a glass of water!  More often than not, if you are having hunger pains, you are really just dehydrated. So take 2 minutes, and drink some water.

I know, I know….. It all looks good on paper, right? But seriously – as cliché as it is, try thinking WWDD – “What would Devon Do?”.   I am here to help motivate you, keep you accountable and teach you the ways of a healthier lifestyle. 

The above 4 steps are just that – baby steps – to help you reach your goals. Motivation comes from two things – Inspiration and desperation (Coach Dale Brown taught me that). So before you become desperate, find what motivates you, and remember that these next few weeks while life is busy getting in the way.

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