Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday Thoughts – What time of the day do you work out?  

Everyone is always wondering when is the "best" time to work out? What time of the day will maximize the results of my efforts?   Some people are morning people, some people are night owls.  But really, when should you hit the gym or pavement for a run?

For me, its early AM. I’m the kind of person that if I don’t get in my workout, get it done and out of the way before my day begins I SIMPLY DON’T DO IT.  Sound familiar?

I dread a workout after a full day of work. I train people all day….. I work long hours training up to 8 clients a day starting at 5am, running two businesses (calls, emails, marketing, social networking, etc), fitting in my own "friends and family" time, running a household…and of course eating and sleeping. So after my day is done, the last thing I want to do is go to the gym and kick my own ass.

Therefore, I personally get up early in the AM and get my workout in - or do it right after my last morning client (around 9:3). And in all honesty, working out in the AM fuels me for the day. I feel energized. I feel successful and accomplished already. I know that even if my day turns into a complete mess and is stressful, at least I did one good thing – I got to the gym.

BUT, “scientifically”, is the AM the best time? The truth is, there really is no reliable evidence to say the AM is better than the PM. Some people who are in full “training” mode, IE for a Body Building Competition, will split workouts and do a “Fasting” cardio in the AM and weights in the afternoon. But lets be real, the average person is not training to be like the guy who can “lift things up and put them down”. We want to be healthy, fit, and sexy naked (there’s that naked thing again!).

Bottom line is, whether you are a night owl, or an early bird, choose a time you know you can get a good workout in on a consistent basis, and make it a habit.  Put it in your calendar, write it down and discipline yourself to go at the same time....every day. Plan your life around your 1-hour dedicated time to yourself to do what you need to do to feel all those things above….especially the feeling sexy naked part!

Happy Thirsty Thursday! Enjoy the weekend. 


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