Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday Fitness Facts - The Holidays Are Upon Us!

Here are the facts:

1) It’s October; it’s getting colder and the first of the growing holiday season is almost upon us. 
(Monday is Columbus Day here in the US, and its Canada’s Thanksgiving)

2) Over the next 81 days or so, there are actually only eight nationally observed holidays (excluding Jewish or other religious holidays):
  • Columbus Day
  • Halloween
  • Veteran’s Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Eve
  • Christmas
  • New Years Eve
  • New Years Day

3) Of my current clients and close friends, only eight of them are of the Jewish faith or observe other religious holidays, so the above mentioned seven holidays are observed by the rest of my clients and friends.
In the past week, I have already heard four times: “I’m going to wait until after the holidays to start my diet/workout program” and here’s what I want to (but don’t) scream at them: ARE YOU FRIGGIN’ KIDDING ME??
Here’s why:

You’re willing to give up the next 80+ days (less seven holidays so 73 days) of working towards a goal, whatever that may be, because “the holidays are upon us?!”

Let’s be real here: we tend to look for an excuse to wait and get started. We all do it, myself included. If I don’t pay for a 5K run or Spartan Race, I have no motivation to actually go out there and run or work out. So yeah, we all do it. But are you really going to allow seven actual holidays to stop what could be an epic three month transformation?
You’re allowed to have your cheat day/meal here and there so allow those seven holidays to be built into that plan, but don’t give up on the next three months because the rest of the world wants to “wait until 2015.” Start a plan NOW! Using the holidays as an excuse to gain weight and give up working out is nonsense. You CAN lose weight over these months. You CAN hit your goals. You CAN survive the holiday parties, drinking, and incredible food we all love to consume during this time of year.
So if you've wanted to start a new nutrition or workout program – start TODAY. Not tomorrow. Not after Thanksgiving. Not January 2. TODAY!

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