Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday's Thoughts - Yes It's Okay to Cheat!

YES, it’s okay to cheat…. and I'm going to show you how to cheat on your nutrition program and still reach your goals!

If you are not consistent and sticking to your nutrition program, the only person you are hurting is well, you. BUT you can “cheat” every once in a while and still hit your goals – in fact, I recommend it! Here’s why…

Most people need accountability to someone or something other than themselves – for example: a trainer like me, a weight-loss program like Weight Watchers or The Challenge, or a gym membership – in order to keep them on track. I do; I’m no different than anyone else. But in reality, if you cheat consistently on the designed program, you are really only hurting yourself and your goals.

However, with all that said – I do recommend having a “cheat meal” built into your nutrition plan. The reason why is this: if you fixate on what you can’t ever have, eventually you are likely to give in and then over-indulge in the junk-food/candy/frosty beverage, or whatever it is you and your trainer or nutritionist has cut out. You need to allow yourself a little indulgence every once in a while, and you are more likely to stay focused and on target. Think about the 80/20 rule: 80% of the time you can be on point and perfect, and 20% of the time do the wrong thing and still hit your goals.

So here are a few simple tips and rules for your “cheat meal”:

1) Schedule it into your meal plan for the week: If you allow yourself 1-2 cheat meals a week, you are less likely to overdo it. It allows you to stay on track and sane! You may see something you want and know that you can enjoy it in a few days, so plan it out.

2) Have fun with it, and enjoy the heck out of it: Enjoy it – every single bite. If you don’t allow yourself to be satisfied, you may be more tempted to have another cheat meal sooner rather than later and off schedule.

3) No counting, measuring, or writing it down: Don’t look at calories or macros, just eat.

4) Satiate yourself:  aka eat until you are full!

5) It’s not a cheat day, it’s a cheat meal – so be good earlier in the day and savor it in the evening: If you cheat all day, you’ll do more damage than you really want.

6) Get your workout in earlier in the day – before the cheat meal: Then allow yourself the cheat; this way you know you've already gotten in a good sweat.

7) Two cheat meals a week is PLENTY: Anything more than that will start to add fat to the body. Once a week is not much of a cheat now is it; so twice a week will work! Space them out a few days apart.


8) Do not feel guilty:  You must allow yourself the cheat meals as part of your plan, not a deviation from it. Enjoy it, savor it, devour it….guilt free. They work as a reward for fully committing to your goals, so enjoy them!

If you would like to discuss a meal plan with some cheat meals built in, feel free to email me at or give me a call at 203-499-7168!

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