Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wednesday's Wisdom - Don't Let Family Guilt Trips Derail You

We have goals. We have a plan. We have our meals prepped and workouts scheduled and then ...we tell others about it on Thanksgiving day and it all goes to sh*t, right?

With one of the biggest holidays of the year taking place tomorrow, many of you have already told me that it’s going to be hard to say "no".  You don't want to disappoint your mother-in-law because she's going to say "but you don't need to lose weight - you're fine the way you are"...or "what do you mean you don't want my homemade apple-cranberry stuffing that I slaved over for two days so YOUR family could enjoy Thanksgiving?"....or how about the simple "Its can cheat a little".

But the reality is when people try to derail you and bring you down many times it’s their own insecurities coming to the forefront. They don't want to see how great your willpower is at Thanksgiving when you have just one helping of mashed potatoes (1/2 cup) rather than a huge heaping pile with loads of butter and gravy, alongside a buttered roll and cornbread pudding... because THEY don't  have the willpower.

Your friends and family will pick on you: "Oh you can't have THIS're on a DIET" (said in the most annoying, nasal and condescending voice possible).

They will try to get you to cheat: "Are you SURE you don't want dessert??  It’s so yummy little bite can't hurt" (while holding a plate of warm pumpkin pie with ice cream under your nose as a tease).

And some will get downright nasty: "Whatever ...if you want to be selfish and shallow because you think you're better than us, then so be it ...we're going to enjoy our Thanksgiving meal".

These are all things I have heard myself through the years as I try to live a healthier lifestyle and in the beginning, I HAD to give up some of my favorites to stay on track. It was hard ....oh gosh it was hard!

But as I've been telling my clients all week long - STAY STRONG!  You have a very specific goal, and it IS all about you. It’s not about them, it’s not about their cooking or their own choices; it’s about YOU and your goals. 

So here's how to beat the Thanksgiving Day guilt-trip (personal and from the family) AND overeating at the same time:

1) Drink plenty of water throughout the day

2) Eat something small before you go to dinner. If you’re having your Thanksgiving Day meal at 2pm, you should have eaten at least 2 times before that! It can be a normal, healthy breakfast and then maybe a protein shake an hour or so before you go. This will help keep you satiated so you don't starve yourself all morning and then overdo it at dinner time.

3) Try to stay away from the rolls and other unnecessary everyday carbs.  You can have a roll any time you want. If you want to indulge, make it count - go for Aunt Suzie's special macaroni casserole that you only get once a year... or that amazing chocolate cream pie that Grandma makes. Don't waste your "cheat" on something you can have any time.

4) Keep your portions small and eat slowly; sip on water throughout the meal.

Some things to say to thwart off the negative family members and friends:

1) My trainer told me if I gained any weight, I have to do 100 burpees! If you want to do that with me then by all means, let’s indulge!

2) I'm so close to my goal - and don't I look great!?  I really want to hit this goal weight so that at Christmas I CAN eat what I want and not worry about it.

3) Thanks for your concern, but I'm really trying hard to be good.

4) Trust me, it’s not anything against your ________ (enter favorite one-time a year side entree that only THEY can make), It’s just that I have an amazing dress I want to fit into for New Year’s Eve and once I have one bite, I can't stop.

And lastly you can simply say "no thanks" explanation needed.

So like I said - BE STRONG! Stick to your goals and remember - WWDD (what would Devon do?)

Have a Wonderful and Safe Thanksgiving Holiday!


1 comment:

  1. Love the blog Devon.... you are inspiring a lot of people on their health journeys!
