Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wednesday's Wisdom - Surviving the Holidays

Okay so you survived Thanksgiving, phew! Whether you gained weight or not, or worked out or not is no big deal; the holiday is over and now we move forward. But how do we survive the next 30 days, with all the holiday parties, Christmas shopping, family gatherings and of course, New Years Eve?  New Year’s Eve – the day when all our New Year’s resolutions get planned with the best of intentions and the top two being: 1) Lose weight and 2) make more money or get out of debt.

But why wait? Why are you going to mentally stress and suffer through the next 30 days worrying about doing these two things beginning January 2? Here are some tips to help you at home when you can’t make it to the gym, need to figure out how to stretch that Christmas bonus and basically how to de-stress during the holidays.
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I know you don’t have enough time to get it all done. You’re a busy working parent, or stressed out twenty-something who NOW also has to play Santa, deep clean the house for family gatherings, decorate the house, hit the company holiday parties and of course bake cookies… and then try not to eat them because you still have the New Year’s Eve little black dress to fit into!
So in order to stay on track with your goals, here are my helpful tips for surviving the next 30 days – no need to wait until January 2 to begin or restart:

1)      Seriously it’s time to jump on The Challenge, order today! If you want a FREE sample of the Vi-Shake mix or Vi-Crunch cereal, just email me at with your name and address and I’ll mail you one right away! It’s simple, easy fast food. Lose 10 lbs. and donate healthy meals to kids. It REALLY is that simple. During your busy day, have a shake for breakfast to get you going, maybe one for lunch, and then eat a regular dinner. Think you can handle that?

Visit for more info.

2)      Be sure to “like” the My Transformation Training page on Facebook ( for weekly workouts over the next few weeks. These will all be at home workouts that you can do in 20 minutes or so in the morning or at night. Simple and easy, yet effective! In addition, here are my top 10 favorite at home exercises:

·         Air Squats

·         Hand Release Pushups

·         Plank

·         Tricep Dips

·         Burpees

·         Jump Squats

·         Alternating, walking or jumping lunges

·         Mountain Climbers

·         Supermans

·         Russian Twists

You can mix these up or do all 10 in a circuit fashion (for example: 10 of each for four rounds), but definitely keep an eye on the Facebook page for more workouts!

3)      To save some cash look for deals online! In the past 8+ years, I have not stepped foot in a mall for holiday shopping. I am the queen of finding coupons and deals online for shopping with a lot less headache!  But you do have to start early in the month to make sure you get your deliveries on time!

4)      While attending holiday parties, be sure to eat BEFORE you go to the party. Have a small snack or a Vi-Shake so you eat healthier at home and not binge on the holiday treats all night long.

5)      Don’t feel guilty and stress. Stress hinders weight loss and makes for a bad day. If you over indulge or don’t work out, just accept it, forgive yourself and move on. Get back on track the next day.

If you want a custom at home workout package, give me a call!  I am more than happy to put together a plan for you for holiday survival!  (Package pricing ranges from $25-$100 per program). 


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