Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday Thoughts - The First Step to Losing Inches is...

The first step to losing inches is changing the 6 inches between your ears….

Personal trainers are a dime a dozen as the saying goes. Diets (“fad” or otherwise) and other weight loss products, exercises and gyms are part of a $60 billion weight-loss industry. Now with online coaching and personal trainers available at any time, in any location; with newsletters, blogs and instructional videos at your fingertips, the question I still get asked is: why can’t I lose weight?

You see it all over the web, magazines, Facebook: “Sharon lost 100 lbs doing ABC program” or “Dave dropped a 150 lbs by diet and exercise”. Then you have your diets, trainers and gyms who say “results guaranteed”. Well, kind of …

So many people look at those before and after pictures and the fabulous transformation photos and assume that if they work with that particular coach the results will be 100% guaranteed. But guess what, nothing is guaranteed to work….unless you do. For every success story I have had personally in a short period of time, and for all the others that my friends and colleagues locally have had in their testimonial repertoire, unfortunately there is an equal amount of failure as well.

Some people will never change or maybe even get worse or go backwards. People wrongly assume that just by hiring a personal trainer they will automatically hit their goals.


And why is that?  Because if you don’t change, you won’t well...change.  I know, I know. Duh Devon! But let’s get serious and real here…

The only person who can change you is you and to drop the inches off your waist and thighs, you need to change the six inches between your ears – your mindset.

YOU have to actually do the work. YOU have to push hard and push through. YOU have to commit. YOU have to be accountable to not only your trainer, but to yourself as well, let alone the family that loves you and wants you to be the best healthiest version of you.

This is one of the toughest things for people to understand, let alone do. As a trainer, I can give you all the tools and tricks, information and guidance that I possibly can. I have the background, education, and experience to understand most of what my clients go through, but I cannot MAKE you do the work. You have to do that.

Look, there is no easy way out – regardless of the hype and fad diets that promise you the world, let me say it again, there is no easy way out!

Some people really do not get the process – there will be hard work involved. There will be discomfort; there will be pain and tears and setbacks along the way. But here’s where the 6 inch change in your mindset comes in – is it all worth it to get to your goal?  

The program I give you is not going to be easy and it’s not supposed to be! So think about this – when and if you decide to give up or that it’s too hard, or make changes to the tools, tricks and program that I or any other trainer give you, then really you’re doing it on your own and  you may or may not see results.

Here’s one of my favorite quotes  and I read it all the time to remind myself about why I do what I do and why I work hard in the gym, business, and life:

I can give you all the tools and tricks, programs, nutritional guidelines, number of beloved burpees to do, a goal and deadline…but I can’t make you do the work and unless you put in the efforts, there will be no results.

If this seems hard…then you need to look in the mirror and work on those 6 inches between the ears – the mindset – before the other inches start to come off. 

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