Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wednesday Thoughts - I Admit It, I Have An Addiction...

Well, I admit it, I have an addiction.

I am addicted to a reality show… and anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a fan of reality shows but, there is one that I watch pretty regularly – and no it’s not a cheesy, trashy, ‘look at me, I’m the best diva/rich person/home builder/duck caller around’.

I watch Extreme Weight Loss Makeover. Here are the reasons: inspiration, guidance for help with my own clients, the testimonials and stories, and of course Chris Powell (gosh he is a good lookin’ man!).

So as I sat here last night watching the show (and totally changing my idea for the blog/newsletter today), I see the struggles of the transformation story of the week, Brandi,  and I realize that there is just so much more to be done. So much more to learn, to experience, and to teach to others.

Here are my takeaways from this show…

There was a quote that Chris Powell had said in the show to the effect of ‘people only live up to 50% of their capabilities’. REALLY, there’s more than this?! WOW – that’s kind of, well…daunting.

So I ask you – what are you more capable of?  Brandi, at her six month weigh in did the Half Iron Man while weighing in at 214 lbs.  Another admission – I felt really inadequate. I was watching it in amazement going – well hell, if she can do it, I can – oh wait…I can’t swim. I guess I better start taking swimming lessons!

Off topic – again, what are YOU more capable of:

  • Could you double your daily walk length?
  • Could you cut some time off your 5K run? 
  • Could you hold your plank longer? 
  • Could you keep your nutrition schedule and plan in check? (Do you have one?!)

Another thing I learned on the show is that people are going to fail; yes – fail. Brandi failed. She never once hit a weight loss goal. But here’s what she DIDN'T do – she didn't give up! It took her the whole year to get to her overall goal of getting skin-removal surgery, which most people hit the mark at their 9-month weigh in, but she didn't give up. She was so close so many times and she did everything wrong at times, but she still went from 329 lbs to 178 lbs in 365 days; that’s a 151 pound weight loss in a year!

So often we want the ‘quick fix’ – lose 20 lbs in a week and never gain it back again but we all know that is not realistic. The ironic thing about reality shows is that they are not at all the ‘reality’. The Extreme Weight Loss show crams an entire year into a 2-hour time period. You don’t SEE all the pain, struggles, and failures that go on daily.

But here are the takeaways from my addiction:

1) Let’s define failure: Webster’s dictionary’s initial definition of failure is: “omission of occurrence or performance” – really? That’s it? Where does this say it’s bad and so what if you fail? This quote says it all:

You will make mistakes, you will miss goals like Brandi did, but are you willing to push forward and keep moving on?

2) If we are only living up to 50% of our capabilities, then I have a lot more work to do! And if I throw out a third admission – I know this. I know deep down that I could be doing more: more work in the gym, better nutrition, better education for my profession and clients, etc. I know it, I admit it; will you?

3) Lastly and this one hurts just a bit - Chris Powell is married with 4 children – lucky wife!  Bummer for me :(

So, while I’m NOT a fan of reality shows, I know that what these people do, their transformation and story is legit – all of it: from the success, to the mistakes, the crying in pain and tears of joy. You will and should experience all of the these things because they are all an important part of your journey and Transformation!

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