Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday's Facts - Barbells for Boobs!

Its October, which as we all know is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Breast cancer, I’m sure, has touched each and every one of us in some way – whether it's a family member or close friend that has battled the disease; maybe a co-worker, church member or friend of a friend. We all know someone who has been affected by breast cancer, and I’m no exception.

In 1987, my paternal grandmother passed away from breast cancer, three days before my 8th birthday; she died peacefully in our home. Since then I have known far too many close and distant family members, on both sides of my family, who have been diagnosed with this disease.

Recently, I found out that one of my best friends, someone I've known for almost twenty years, has been diagnosed. She is only 36 years old and has a son who is less than a year old. Because of her early detection, she will undergo treatment (still TBD) but is not expected to have any complications.

Today’s message is not about fitness tips or what to eat this week. It's about urging each and every one of you to make sure to get your mammograms and do your breast self-exams. I had my first mammogram this past year, and I have to say it wasn't really bad at all! It takes less than 10 minutes to do something that can not only save your boobs, but save your life.

BUT, as a fitness and nutrition coach, I also urge you to be sure to life a healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle choices – diet and exercise – can help with prevention of various diseases, but if someone is diagnosed with breast cancer, maintaining a healthier diet and exercise program can help with recovery. (Please remember I am not a doctor and these statements are gathered from various leading online breast cancer research web sites such as

Barbells for Boobs
In honor of my best friend, who I won’t name, but she knows it’s for her, I am participating in a fundraising event called “Barbells for Boobs”.

Next Saturday, November 1st, a friend and I will be at Crossfit Milford doing a specific workout called “Grace”. It's not going to be easy, especially with a bum shoulder, but I do this in honor of my friend and in memory of my grandmother.

For more information on the fundraiser, and if you would like to donate, please visit my pledge page at:

For more information on screening and mammograms, please call your doctor. If you have not yet had one and are over the age of 35, please talk to your doctor and insurance company about having one done right away!

Enjoy your weekend!

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