Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursdays Thoughts - The Can't (aka Won't) Syndrome

We all do it - and I've written about it: make excuses. Why you can't make it to the gym, why you can't lose weight, why you can't eat breakfast in the morning…

Nick Sarnicola, co-founder and global ambassador of ViSalus and The Challenge, says "An excuse is the lie you tell yourself" and it's true.

But we've talked about the excuses before and that we all have them. Let's talk about the "I just can't do it....I NEVER could" and the "It’s just NOT ME" because that's been brought up a few times recently and it needs to be addressed.

As many of you know, I actively challenge people to lose 10 lbs. of fat or gain 10 lbs. of muscle with The Challenge. When adults do that, we are able to help donate healthy meals to kids in need and/or who are overweight or obese themselves. The Challenge is a healthy fast food option and meal plan, centralized around a meal-replacement protein shake and high-protein cereal. There are also snacks, supplements and an energy line to help with any weight loss or active goals. (For more information, click here)

After I mention The Challenge and the protein shakes to someone, and explain that I personally lost 20 lbs. and 10% body fat with The Challenge, I often hear "I just can't do shakes".

Hmmmmmmm...Can’t or Won't?  Big difference!
You've heard before that success is right outside your comfort zone. If you are looking for weight loss tips, or workout advice in order to achieve a certain desired result, you can't keep doing what you are currently doing; if you could, you'd already be at your goal!

So you can’t "do shakes" or you won't because you think you won't like them? Or is it something you're not used to?  If your way of eating isn't working, it’s time to step outside the comfort zone and try something new.

Get rid of the "I can't" mentality in order to make a change and turn your mindset into "I can"... or at least "I'll try'!  It takes 21 days to make something a habit, so can you "do the shakes" or cereal for 21 days and start on a journey to lose 10 lbs.?

I wasn't a "shake person" when I started with The Challenge either but what I was doing wasn't working - and believe me when I say I have tried EVERY damn fad-diet out there! So I gave it a try. Three years later, 20 lbs. down and STAYING OFF, a BMW in the driveway and now a full time income Challenging others to lose 10 lbs., I'm glad I got over my "I can't do shakes" thing.  It really was more that I didn't want to go outside of my comfort zone. My comfort zone consisted of "comfort food": pizza, nachos, beer and candy; boy am I glad I took that step outside!

Are you willing to do the same?

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