Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How to Be Successful with Your New Years Resolutions!

Yes, you will make one. You will declare your 2015 New Years resolution while toasting your friends and family tonight, and you know what most resolutions are about? Getting healthy and making more money!

Well, I can help you with both - and here are some tips on how to be successful with your New Years resolutions so you don't end up with the same ones as last year (and the year before and the year before!)

1). Set realistic goals: If you know you want to lose weight, set a realistic goal with a REAL deadline. Lets say 20 pounds in 3 months. If you have more to lose, then reset that goal after the first 3 months. If you have 50 pounds to lose, don't say "I'll lose 50 pounds by next year" because if you are at all like me, you are a procrastinator, and you will always start "tomorrow", which never really comes.

2).Write it down: and look at it everyday! If you don't write it down, its not real. If you don't see it every day, you have no reminder of what your resolution is all about. Make it an annoying reminder of what you SAID you were going to do until you do it. Be truthful to your word and tell others! Let your friends and family help hold you accountable!

3) Create a plan: A goal without a plan is just a wish. When you write your goals down and set a deadline, come up with the strategy for getting there. If you are not sure how or where to start, ask for help! Whether this is a financial goal or health related, find a professional who can sit down with you to develop the plan and hit your realistic goals.

4) Do you REALLY want to do this?:  Don't set a frivolous goal that really means nothing to you. Do you want to make more money? Why? Do you have a specific reason -ie: pay off credit card debt, or go on vacation - or do you just want more money?  Is this YOUR goal or someone else? Is your boyfriend or mother hinting (or even) nagging you to lose weight? YOU have to want to hit your goal and keep that resolution - you cannot do it for someone else.

5). Don't Give Up!: So what if on January 15 you've already fallen off the wagon! The year isn't wasted. Look at the resolution you put on paper, refer back to the plan and get it done. Don't beat yourself up about it, just pick up where you left off and start again. Ask for help if you need it, but don't just give up.

So go out there and make your resolutions, but be smart and realistic about it so you won't have to make the same one next year!  Have a SAFE, HEALTHY and HAPPY New Year!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday's Food Tips - The Importance of Meal Prep

Every time I mention “meal prep” to people they look at me like I have five heads. Meal prep, what does that mean?  If you are in the fitness industry, you know exactly what that means – its preparing food/meals in advance for the week.

Gut reaction from clients: I don’t have time to do that!  I have 3.5 kids, 2 dogs, a husband, work, laundry, recitals, ball games ….I don’t have time to meal prep too! 

But you eat, right?  You still have to make breakfast/lunch/dinner, right? So here’s some info on WHY you should do a “meal prep” session, and some tips on making it simple(er).

So what is meal prep?

Most of the clients I work with both in personal training and on The Challenge have one major goal in mind – lose weight. There are various reasons and motivating factors as to why, which vary from person to person.  And many of them, as well as many of you reading this, struggle with what to eat. For those of you on The Challenge, 2-3 meals a day are covered with either your favorite Vi-Shake ( or Vi-Crunch cereal (, but what the heck else are you supposed to eat?

Do you often stand in front of the refrigerator gazing into what seems like the abyss and say “What’s for dinner? Ugh, I need something healthy… I have a goal… it can’t be high in calories… but I don’t feel like cooking… but I need something… I’ll just order Chinese food”. Sound familiar?

Well, this is where meal prep comes into play. No it doesn’t have to be a daunting task; no you don’t have to eat salads every meal. If you do meal prep in the beginning of the week, your lunches and dinners can be taken care of in about 20-30 minutes – for the week!

So meal prep is simply cooking a few meals all at once, storing them in Tupperware or other containers for easy re-heat or eating for the week.  Like I said, it does NOT have to take a long time and it can be fun! What do most people, especially busy moms, need?  Healthy, fast, food! What’s faster and healthier, (and cost effective) than good food you cook yourself?!

Here are a few tips and key things to keep in mind when doing meal prep:

1)      What to include in a lunch or dinner prepared meal:  

You want protein, carbs and good fat at each meal:

*Protein - 4-6 oz. (for example: chicken, fish, turkey, lean red meat)

*Veggies – Have 1-2 cups of green leafy veggies; can’t go too overboard on this!

*Starchy vegetable (for example: sweet potato) or some kind of grain, like a brown rice or quinoa (less than half cup)

*Optional/maybes: avocado or almonds (if no other fats used in the cooking of the protein or veggies)

2) When to do meal prep:

Set aside approximately 1-1.5 hours to do your meal prep in the beginning of the week. I do mine on Sunday or Monday afternoons. Sundays may work for you if you have someone who can watch the kids while you cook and clean up or maybe later after they go to bed.  I KNOW, I KNOW, you’re tired. But if you take the 1.5 hours once a week, you will save time and money in the long run by preparing your meals in advance. It’s a proven concept AND it takes the guess work out of what you can have that’s “healthy”.

*To keep it simple, Bake, broil or grill proteins instead of frying/sautéing.

*Bake sweet potatoes instead of frying or roasting them in tons of oil.

*Steam (or grill) vegetables to maintain their nutrient content as opposed to boiling.

*Use dried or fresh herbs and spices to lower fat and salt content of dishes.

*Sautee vegetables lightly in coconut oil instead of frying to blast fat and up your metabolism.

*When all else fails, eat your veggies raw!

*Braise tough cuts of meat in broth for a few hours for tender protein. Use a crockpot or slow cooker to facilitate this process.

*Use low sodium broth when cooking rice, pasta, quinoa or other grains for added flavor.

*Steam squash and pull it apart gently with a fork to replace traditional pasta for a gluten-free or paleo alternative.

*Marinate meats (and even veggies) before grilling for extra flavor.

*Mix fresh herbs like parsley, cilantro, garlic, and even grated carrots and zucchini into ground meat dishes for succulent and moist proteins.

*Get in the habit of including spinach, arugula, kale, or any other green as a base.

4) Not sure what items you’ll need for preparing and storing your food? Before you start any meal prep session consider these essentials (Source:

*LOTS of plastic containers — Plastic containers (e.g. Tupperware) are probably the easiest way to store and transport your meals. With plastic containers you can easily take food from fridge to microwave to meal time in a few minutes. The convenience of plastic containers is honestly why meal prepping for the week has become such a practical strategy for eating right and staying on track.

*Cooler — Some health and fitness enthusiasts advocate keeping your meals in a cooler so that they stay fresh until you’re ready to eat. This is obviously an optional piece of equipment. If you work at an office chances are you have access to a fridge where you can store your food, but if you’re on the road a lot, a cooler might be a great option for you. Know your lifestyle and what works for you.

*Crock pot or Slow cooker — If you work long hours or have a busy schedule, a crock pot is definitely a must-have for your kitchen. In the mornings before work you can easily put chicken, beef, or your favorite protein in the pot with a low-calorie liquid (think low sodium chicken broth) for an awesome braise that will be ready by the time you come home. Search the internet and you’ll find thousands of recipes for really innovative meals that are clean and lean.

*Rice Cooker — Who wants to stand in front of a pot of water as you wait for it to boil? Rice cookers are another fairly inexpensive tool to cook rice that requires minimal effort to operate. Like the crock pot you can easily put brown rice or quinoa in a rice cooker with water, salt, and other spices/herbs. When you come home from work, simply turn your rice cooker on and within 30-60 minutes you should have fluffy and perfectly cooked rice. Bonus points if you cook your protein in the crock pot and your starch in the rice cooker!

*Oven safe pans and dishes — When I first started doing meal prep, I ate A LOT of baked chicken breast. For me and many “clean eaters”, boneless skinless chicken breasts are a dietary staple. Baking is one of the easiest (and tastiest) ways to enjoy it. Remember that oven-safe pans are also great for foods other than chicken. You can bake other proteins, veggies, or even whole-grain casseroles and fibrous starches.

For those of you who still seem somewhat overwhelmed about planning meals for the week, ease your mind with these no-nonsense tips and tricks:

*Start small — You don’t need to plan every single meal for every single day of the entire week. If cooking and storing that much food seems crazy start on a smaller scale. Start with lunches for the work week; that’s only five meals compared to the twenty-one plus you could be preparing. You can handle five right?

*Plan ahead — Know what you’re going to eat and make before you even start cooking. There’s (almost) nothing worse than when you are in the middle of a meal prep session only to find that you’re missing an important ingredient. Bottom line, figure out what you’re going to eat that week and what basic meals you’re going to rotate around. Write down the ingredients and the amounts if you need to before going grocery shopping.

*Cook in bulk — If you’re making chicken for four lunches and three dinners that week, cook them in the same pan. You can easily season them after they’re cooked for two totally different flavor profiles. The same goes for starches. If you know that you’re going to be consuming eight meals that each include ½ a cup of rice, cook all four cups at once. Make a HUGE batch of chili or stew in the crock pot for the entire week. You’ll save time, energy, and money!

*Get creative — Sick of chicken and broccoli every night? Try substituting beef! Instead of always eating pork and quinoa, try adding cilantro, bean sprouts, and snow peas for an Asian inspired stir fry. With all the different proteins, carbs and veggies you’re preparing, there are a ton of different combinations you can make to keep you from getting bored (and maintain a variety of nutrients in your diet). Challenge yourself to see how many different meals you can make with only a handful of ingredients.


Don’t let the idea of time and a messy kitchen overwhelm you. It takes some time to get into a routine, but once you start staying on track with your goals is much easier!  

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wednesday's Wisdom - Surviving the Holidays

Okay so you survived Thanksgiving, phew! Whether you gained weight or not, or worked out or not is no big deal; the holiday is over and now we move forward. But how do we survive the next 30 days, with all the holiday parties, Christmas shopping, family gatherings and of course, New Years Eve?  New Year’s Eve – the day when all our New Year’s resolutions get planned with the best of intentions and the top two being: 1) Lose weight and 2) make more money or get out of debt.

But why wait? Why are you going to mentally stress and suffer through the next 30 days worrying about doing these two things beginning January 2? Here are some tips to help you at home when you can’t make it to the gym, need to figure out how to stretch that Christmas bonus and basically how to de-stress during the holidays.
Read more…

I know you don’t have enough time to get it all done. You’re a busy working parent, or stressed out twenty-something who NOW also has to play Santa, deep clean the house for family gatherings, decorate the house, hit the company holiday parties and of course bake cookies… and then try not to eat them because you still have the New Year’s Eve little black dress to fit into!
So in order to stay on track with your goals, here are my helpful tips for surviving the next 30 days – no need to wait until January 2 to begin or restart:

1)      Seriously it’s time to jump on The Challenge, order today! If you want a FREE sample of the Vi-Shake mix or Vi-Crunch cereal, just email me at with your name and address and I’ll mail you one right away! It’s simple, easy fast food. Lose 10 lbs. and donate healthy meals to kids. It REALLY is that simple. During your busy day, have a shake for breakfast to get you going, maybe one for lunch, and then eat a regular dinner. Think you can handle that?

Visit for more info.

2)      Be sure to “like” the My Transformation Training page on Facebook ( for weekly workouts over the next few weeks. These will all be at home workouts that you can do in 20 minutes or so in the morning or at night. Simple and easy, yet effective! In addition, here are my top 10 favorite at home exercises:

·         Air Squats

·         Hand Release Pushups

·         Plank

·         Tricep Dips

·         Burpees

·         Jump Squats

·         Alternating, walking or jumping lunges

·         Mountain Climbers

·         Supermans

·         Russian Twists

You can mix these up or do all 10 in a circuit fashion (for example: 10 of each for four rounds), but definitely keep an eye on the Facebook page for more workouts!

3)      To save some cash look for deals online! In the past 8+ years, I have not stepped foot in a mall for holiday shopping. I am the queen of finding coupons and deals online for shopping with a lot less headache!  But you do have to start early in the month to make sure you get your deliveries on time!

4)      While attending holiday parties, be sure to eat BEFORE you go to the party. Have a small snack or a Vi-Shake so you eat healthier at home and not binge on the holiday treats all night long.

5)      Don’t feel guilty and stress. Stress hinders weight loss and makes for a bad day. If you over indulge or don’t work out, just accept it, forgive yourself and move on. Get back on track the next day.

If you want a custom at home workout package, give me a call!  I am more than happy to put together a plan for you for holiday survival!  (Package pricing ranges from $25-$100 per program).