Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How to Be Successful with Your New Years Resolutions!

Yes, you will make one. You will declare your 2015 New Years resolution while toasting your friends and family tonight, and you know what most resolutions are about? Getting healthy and making more money!

Well, I can help you with both - and here are some tips on how to be successful with your New Years resolutions so you don't end up with the same ones as last year (and the year before and the year before!)

1). Set realistic goals: If you know you want to lose weight, set a realistic goal with a REAL deadline. Lets say 20 pounds in 3 months. If you have more to lose, then reset that goal after the first 3 months. If you have 50 pounds to lose, don't say "I'll lose 50 pounds by next year" because if you are at all like me, you are a procrastinator, and you will always start "tomorrow", which never really comes.

2).Write it down: and look at it everyday! If you don't write it down, its not real. If you don't see it every day, you have no reminder of what your resolution is all about. Make it an annoying reminder of what you SAID you were going to do until you do it. Be truthful to your word and tell others! Let your friends and family help hold you accountable!

3) Create a plan: A goal without a plan is just a wish. When you write your goals down and set a deadline, come up with the strategy for getting there. If you are not sure how or where to start, ask for help! Whether this is a financial goal or health related, find a professional who can sit down with you to develop the plan and hit your realistic goals.

4) Do you REALLY want to do this?:  Don't set a frivolous goal that really means nothing to you. Do you want to make more money? Why? Do you have a specific reason -ie: pay off credit card debt, or go on vacation - or do you just want more money?  Is this YOUR goal or someone else? Is your boyfriend or mother hinting (or even) nagging you to lose weight? YOU have to want to hit your goal and keep that resolution - you cannot do it for someone else.

5). Don't Give Up!: So what if on January 15 you've already fallen off the wagon! The year isn't wasted. Look at the resolution you put on paper, refer back to the plan and get it done. Don't beat yourself up about it, just pick up where you left off and start again. Ask for help if you need it, but don't just give up.

So go out there and make your resolutions, but be smart and realistic about it so you won't have to make the same one next year!  Have a SAFE, HEALTHY and HAPPY New Year!

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