Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday's Thoughts - Sorry, I Can't...

So, what's your excuse?

Come on.... everyone has one. That reason they consistently skip the gym, or gorge themselves on that muffin they HAD to have on the way home from work.

What's yours? 

I have one. I say I can't workout in the evening. Hate doing it and if I don't get my workout done in the doesn't get done. I'm busy kicking other people’s butts as early as 5 am and going until noon, so sometimes my mind and body are ready to shut down and take a break. The last thing I WANT to do is a workout.

But, I still get it done – most of the time. I’m not perfect and I’m the first to tell you that it’s not going to be easy – but it will damn well be worth it!  Get rid of the excuses. If you have a goal, you have to dig deep and be honest when you ask yourself “What is more important in my day than taking 30-60 minutes just for me? What else has come up in my day that was more important than me? What is more important than making sure that I have a good meal rather than fast food or pizza?”

Now, you’re going to say but Devon, you don’t understand: I have 2.5 kids, practice to go to, I have to walk the dog, take out the trash, WORK, pay the bills, water the plants, wash the kids, wash the car, and wash my hair…I don’t have time to work out! That’s all stuff that has to get done, eventually – but guess what? They are kind of excuses. Yes, I understand that kids have to be taken care of – that’s a given, but there has to be a balance between taking care of them and taking care of you. 

Here’s a quick example of that – would you let your kids go to school without feeding them? I hope most of you said no, so tell me why on earth moms are the first people to skip a meal before going to work or starting their day? Why do you settle for a double-mocha-‘skinny’-latte from “Sucksbucks” and rush to work, just to have a bagel with cream cheese or a ‘power bar’ a good  five hours after you wake up? 

If it’s important enough to feed your kids in the AM, it’s important enough to feed you!!

Quick Tip (and I’ve posted it before...but its work repeating):  eat within 30 minutes of waking up!!!

I hear all kinds of excuses as to why that workout didn’t get done or better yet….why I HAD to have that muffin/bowl of pasta/nachos and bottle of wine.  But excuses show on the scale and in the gym.

So what’s your favorite excuse? Write it down, email it to me if you’d like (, and then crumple it up and throw it away. No more excuses!  When you get rid of your excuses, you will achieve results.

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